Seiyoku Tsuyotsuyo The Animation Vol.2
Seiyoku Tsuyotsuyo The Animation Vol.2
The popular "Beauty and the Beast: A Gal and a Creepy Otaku" series from the first book by Enokido-sensei, a promising newcomer known for his immersive sex filled with erotic aromas, has been adapted into an OVA, volume 2! After trying out the creepy otaku Nozaki's ○○○, she's been hooked on Nozaki's ○○○☆ During winter break, Nanase's sexual desires are building up every day, and she can't resist meeting Nozaki for the first time in a long time... The jacket
The popular "Beauty and the Beast: A Gal and a Creepy Otaku" series from the first book by Enokido-sensei, a promising newcomer known for his immersive sex filled with erotic aromas, has been adapted into an OVA, volume 2! After trying out the creepy otaku Nozaki's ○○○, she's been hooked on Nozaki's ○○○☆ During winter break, Nanase's sexual desires are building up every day, and she can't resist meeting Nozaki for the first time in a long time... The jacket